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McKay's Mill Fitness Buddies

This page is dedicated to providing the residents of McKay's Mill the opportunity to find a Fitness Buddy or two who enjoy the same Fitness Activities.


The saying goes "Teamwork makes the Dream work". We have all experienced it.......the power and synergy that is present in a group atmosphere.....this is a great opportunity to inspire our community and to be motivated by other incredible residents while building life long friendships.  Below you will find a link to several "ACTIVITY" Pages.  Each page is (Password Protected) and contains a list of residents contact information.  


**ALL contact info. has been provided by McKay's Mill Residents who are looking for a Fitness Buddy (along with time of day they prefer to workout, so please don't be too shy to text or call.


"Dare to take the first step....Dare to show up....Dare to put one foot in front of the next....Dare to live fit........"


Love and Weights......Ryan & Heather (McKay's Mill Trainer's)


*If you are interested in submitting your info to any of the following lists, please hit CONTACT US next to Activity link.

**Password will only be provided, if you submit your contact phone/text for desired ACTIVITY.


ACTIVITY LINKS  (Find a Fitness Buddy in McKay's Mill)



MM Running Buddies  (CONTACT US)


MM Walking Buddies  (CONTACT US)


MM Hiking Buddies  (CONTACT US)


MM Biking Buddies  (CONTACT US)


MM Basketball Buddies  (CONTACT US)


MM Tennis Buddies  (CONTACT US)


MM Frisbee Golf Buddies  (CONTACT US)


MM Golf Buddies  (CONTACT US)


MM Stroller Buddies  (CONTACT US)



*Can't Find an Activity you're interested in?  Submit HERE and we'll add it for you




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